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In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress, further improve the green construction capacity, accelerate the transformation of the development mode of the construction industry, and promote and realize the modernization of the construction industry, the second China (Beijing) international construction engineering new technology, new materials The new technology and New Equipment Expo opened in Beijing National Convention Center from March 4 to 6. This exhibition is to further implement the instructions of President Zheng Yijun, take promoting the modernization of the construction industry as the main line, and focus on "four new technologies", so as to give play to the role of the Council as an engine for the development of the construction industry. The exhibition will be arranged in E3 and E4 pavilions of (Beijing) National Convention Center, with an exhibition scale of 12000 square meters and nearly 500 exhibitors. The exhibition exhibits are mainly new materials for construction engineering, covering building thermal insulation materials, dry mixed mortar, new wall materials, waterproof materials, small machinery and equipment, machines and tools, etc. the construction process demonstration is carried out on site, and the products, technologies and schemes with the leading level in the field of International construction engineering are displayed. The exhibition attracted nearly 200000 visitors from all over the country, construction industry and society. Highlights of the exhibition: first, a special on-site demonstration area for construction technology has been set up for circular demonstration, including mechanized construction technology, rock wool insulation construction technology, thin method construction technology, facing mortar construction technology, etc. visitors can experience and participate by hand; Second, three forum areas of building thermal insulation and energy conservation, green building, floor industry and dry mixed mortar have been established, and experts and visitors are invited to explain and interact on site; Third, the exhibition types of construction machinery were increased, especially a batch of new machines and tools suitable for construction mortar, floor, formwork scaffold, concrete pumping and other machines and tools with simple operation and high construction efficiency were displayed; Fourth, the Chinese Academy of Building Sciences demonstrated the new seismic reinforcement products. Through this zero distance observation, communication and exchange, we further deepened our understanding of new technologies, new materials, new processes and new equipment, generated interest, achieved the purpose of promoting new building materials and application technologies, and won high praise from the audience. On the morning of March 4, Xu Yiping, vice president of China Construction Industry Association, Wu Tao, vice president and Secretary General of China Construction Industry Association, and relevant personnel of the association secretariat and branches visited the exhibition site. Before the theme exhibition area of China Construction Industry Association, we listened carefully to the participating construction technology branch, deep foundation construction branch, materials branch, concrete branch, building waterproof branch, machinery management and leasing branch, building safety branch, intelligent building branch, garden and ancient building construction branch According to the introduction of 10 branches including green construction branch and relevant enterprises, it is believed that the theme exhibition area of "improving green construction capacity and promoting the modernization of construction industry" can play a positive role in promoting advanced and applicable construction technology and promoting the green, circular and low-carbon development of China's construction industry. The Expo was held at the same time as the 21st China International Architectural decoration and Materials Expo, with an exhibition area of 220000 square meters. Through the highlight display of the latest technologies, materials and products, it aims to promote the promotion and application of new technologies, materials, processes and equipment in construction engineering, and build an all-round, large-scale and professional exhibition and promotion platform, Promote the sustainable development of the construction industry.
On July 21, more than 100 leaders of the construction industry in Jiangsu Province and Shanghai jointly issued a call to change the current situation of extensive management, low profit level, overcapacity and low resource utilization of the construction industry as soon as possible, speed up the pace of transformation and upgrading, change development ideas and innovate development models. This was the voice of the "2014 construction industry development exchange meeting between Jiangsu Province and Shanghai" jointly held by Jiangsu Construction Industry Association and Shanghai Construction Industry Association in Shanghai. More than 130 representatives of top 100 enterprises in Jiangsu construction industry and dozens of large backbone leading construction enterprises represented by Shanghai construction engineering group attended the exchange meeting. At the meeting, many entrepreneurs had extensive and in-depth exchanges on the development of the industry. Gao Xuebin, President of Jiangsu Construction Industry Association, as a co sponsor, pointed out in his speech that under the new situation of comprehensively deepening reform in China, the construction industry is facing the task of transformation and upgrading and accelerating the modernization of the construction industry. The main principals of leading backbone enterprises in the construction industry in Jiangsu Province and Shanghai, together with the leaders of the construction industry associations in the two provinces and cities, Jointly discuss and exchange new ideas and measures for the development of the construction industry, which is not only the need to promote the healthy and rapid development of the construction industry in the two provinces and cities, but also the need for the construction industry associations of the two provinces and cities to serve member enterprises. The meeting held discussions and exchanges on how to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry (enterprises), how to accelerate the transformation of the development mode of the construction industry, how to promote and realize the modernization of the construction industry, and how to improve the scientific and technological innovation ability of the construction industry, so as to promote the construction industries of the two places to face new challenges and seek common development. Yu guobing, general manager of Nantong No. 4 Construction Co., Ltd., introduced the above topics. Their approach is to rely on the main industry and develop related industries; Rely on talent and technological progress to occupy the high-end construction market; Integration of entity enterprises and capital, taking the road of combination of capital and construction; Vigorously develop green buildings and realize the modernization of construction industry; Actively explore overseas markets and enhance international competitiveness. Cai Guoqiang, vice president of Shanghai Construction Engineering Group, had an exchange on the overall listing of the enterprise to boost the reform and development of the enterprise. He said that after the overall listing of the enterprise, the industrial chain resources formed an overall joint force, making the business scale of the group reach the "100 billion level" and realize the "10 billion growth". At present, the strategic development orientation of enterprises is clearer, the governance structure and internal control are more perfect, and the elements of technological innovation are more accumulated. Cai Guoqiang believes that promoting the overall listing of state-owned enterprises is also an important realization form of mixed ownership economy, and the role of promoting enterprise progress is very obvious. Facing the problems of "fragile building" and thin steel bars in the quality of construction projects, Ge Hua, chairman of Shanghai Yuxiang holding group, a famous domestic building materials supporting supplier, pursues "profit in the sun" and "the qualified rate of supplied building materials is 100%, and does not provide fake and shoddy building materials; The accuracy of the quantity of building materials supplied is 100%, and there is no shortage of two tons; The delivery timeliness of the supplied building materials is 100%, and the construction site is not allowed to stop waiting for materials; The authenticity of the invoices supplied is 100%, and false invoices are not provided. The four 100% won the praise of the representatives of the participating construction enterprises. The meeting was chaired by Gao Zhihai, vice president of Shanghai Construction Industry Association, and attended by he Zhiliang, Secretary General of Jiangsu Construction Industry Association.
Premier Li Keqiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council on August 27 to deploy and promote the construction of major projects such as ecological, environmental protection and elderly care services, so as to adjust the structure, promote development and upgrade; And listen to the third-party evaluation report on the implementation of policies and measures, and reform and innovate the government management mode. The meeting stressed the need to adhere to targeted regulation to solve long-term problems and ensure the current stable economic and social development. Focusing on structural adjustment and accelerating the construction of a number of major projects to "make up for weaknesses", this is an important measure to promote quality, efficiency and upgrading. It is also conducive to stabilizing investment, promoting consumption and benefiting people's livelihood. The meeting decided to accelerate the following projects this year and next: first, implement projects such as the prevention and control of air pollution and water pollution in key river basins, the second phase of natural forest resources protection, and returning farmland to forest and grassland, so as to promote the improvement of the ecological environment. Second, accelerate the construction of health service systems such as general hospitals, traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and rehabilitation hospitals, build elderly care service systems such as nursing homes and rural elderly care facilities, and improve the ability to serve the grass-roots people. Build public fitness activity centers and promote the wide coverage of convenient sports and fitness facilities in urban and rural areas. Third, we will vigorously develop clean energy and start the construction of a number of wind power, hydropower, photovoltaic power generation and coastal nuclear power projects. The meeting required that we should do a good job in the preliminary work of the project, improve and implement supporting policies, reform the investment and financing mechanism, attract more social capital to participate, and promote the smooth implementation of the project. The meeting pointed out that in order to reform and innovate the way of government management, the State Council recently entrusted the all China Federation of industry and Commerce and other units to conduct a third-party assessment on the implementation of reform, development and people's livelihood policies such as streamlining administration and decentralization, implementing enterprise investment autonomy, shantytowns transformation, poverty alleviation and development, rural drinking water safety and so on. Generally speaking, these policies have been basically implemented and their positive effects are emerging, but there are also some problems, such as imperfect policies, inadequate implementation, and inadequate supervision. The meeting called for further policy implementation in combination with the government's transfer function. First, continue to promote the combination of simplification of administration, decentralization and decentralization, focusing on solving the problems of "whether to approve or not", "infatuation with approval and confusion about supervision". Establish an intermediary information disclosure system related to examination and approval. Second, focus on areas and industries with strong monopoly, and launch a number of good projects suitable for private capital investment willingness and ability. Third, revitalize the stock funds, increase financial support for rural and poor areas, and ensure that the annual "hard tasks" such as shed reform, poverty reduction and drinking water safety are completed on schedule. The meeting stressed that the third-party assessment is not only a supervision but also a promotion to the government's work, and a system should be formed. For the problems found, the relevant departments should implement their responsibilities and pay close attention to rectification, so as to make the implementation of the policy a "relay race", ensure "reaching the end" and let the people get more benefits.
The development of prefabricated housing is an important measure for Shanghai to implement the housing construction industry and promote "innovation driven development and economic transformation and upgrading". It is also the practical need to effectively change the urban construction mode and build a resource-saving and environment-friendly city. Comrade Han Zheng, Secretary of the Shanghai municipal Party committee, pointed out that the development of prefabricated housing (Architecture) is an important carrier and starting point for promoting the industrialization of new buildings and the industrial revolution of the construction industry. The leaders of Shanghai municipal government attach great importance to it and have organized research and deployment for many times. They are making full efforts to promote the development of prefabricated housing as an important part of the city's ecological civilization construction, and strive to be in the forefront of the country.
On December 14, the official website of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued the notice on stopping the unified assessment and certification of on-site professionals in the field of housing and urban rural construction. According to the industry standard professional standard for construction and municipal engineering construction site professionals (JGJ / t250-2011) implemented on January 1, 2012, on-site professionals in the field of housing and urban rural construction include: constructors, quality personnel, safety personnel, standard personnel, material personnel, mechanics, labor personnel and documenters, which is often referred to as the "eight members", The issuance of this notice indicates that the "eight members" will officially withdraw from the historical stage.
On the afternoon of March 11, the fourth session of the 13th National People's Congress held its closing meeting in the Great Hall of the people. Focusing on the two sessions, let's take a look at the suggestions put forward by the representatives and members of the construction industry participating in the meeting on issues related to the construction industry? 1. Vigorously develop prefabricated buildings and strengthen the whole process control Chen Jinshi, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Zhongnan group Vigorously promote prefabricated buildings and continuously improve the standardization and technical level of prefabricated buildings. First, fully learn from the NPC technical system of developed countries, increase R & D in the fields of cost reduction, convenient construction and safety, constantly improve the management system of prefabricated construction industry, and promote the better development of prefabricated construction industry; Second, EPC contracting is preferred for prefabricated buildings to control product quality in an all-round way from design, procurement and construction, so as to truly realize the comprehensive and efficient management of the whole process and specialty; Third, further improve the proportion of prefabricated buildings in policy. 2. Issue the charging standard for construction engineering design as soon as possible Feng Yuan, member of the CPPCC National Committee and chief engineer of CSCEC southwest design and Research Institute Co., Ltd Formulate and promulgate the new charging standard for architectural engineering design as soon as possible. Architectural design belongs to a knowledge intensive service industry, which needs a price standard in line with the development level of the industry and the requirements of the times. However, at this stage, most of the architectural design fees still refer to the 02 standard, and the rates and coverage need to be improved. Therefore, the charging standard should be re formulated as soon as possible and a regular revision mechanism should be formed to ensure and promote the healthy development of the architectural design industry. Carry out research on service content and rate standard of construction engineering. Clarify the business classification and detailed scope of construction engineering services, and formulate rate standards accordingly. First, it is necessary to clarify the charging standard for the planning, feasibility study, environmental assessment, site selection, planning, design, special consultation, supervision, operation, management and other links of the project, as well as the management coordination covering cross stages; The second is to refine the design content, which should cover all kinds of new design contents in recent years, such as BIM, industrialization, sponge City, green building, seismic overrun and fire protection. At the same time, the workload such as deepening design and multiple return to work caused by the owner should also be considered in the charging standard; Third, consider the type and complexity of engineering projects designed, such as building height, span, seismic intensity, application of new technology and other factors, so as to effectively reflect the value of design work. 3. Strengthen school enterprise cooperation and create new construction workers Zou bin, deputy to the National People's Congress and quality manager of the general contracting company of China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau Deep cooperation between schools and enterprises to realize the new transformation of industrial workers. The ultimate goal of the cooperation between schools and enterprises is to better integrate the educational content and process with the actual production of enterprises. Strengthening the in-depth cooperation between schools and enterprises will further shorten the pre job training of students after entry, which will not only save human cost and time cost, but also accelerate the growth of individuals, but also actively adapt to the needs of enterprises. On the one hand, we should further give play to the characteristics and advantages of large state-owned central enterprises, deeply promote the integration of industry and education, and school enterprise cooperation; On the other hand, we must pay close attention to the implementation of the combined incentive of enterprises integrating industry and education and the allocation of per student funds for enterprises to run vocational schools, guide vocational colleges to actively participate in the training of technical and skilled talents, and help build a high-quality and highly skilled labor industry in the new era. Promote the new development of industrial workers and strengthen the guarantee of assembly industrial system. Developing the fabricated construction industry, promoting the construction industrialization, moving the construction site into the factory, making the new gen
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